Join Now Join Now | YogIsie Session signup form Please complete and send to join your Sanatan Yoga session All information given will be treated in the strictest confidence, stored in accordance with GDPR in a secure facility and is to be used with the aim of your health and safety whilst attending sessions with Yogisie. Please ensure you have read and understood the Yogisie Class Booking Policy and Procedure before continuing. Choose Your Session Please select which type of Yoga sessions you are joining: selected Yoga Therapy selected Online Yoga with Isie selected Hybrid Yoga with Isie at Yoga Satsanga Ashram selected Individual Yoga Sessions Personal Information Privacy Are you happy for your contact details to be used to send information about future sessions? YesNo Are you happy for your contact details to be used to send you information and for marketing purposes? YesNo Basic Information Age Range: 16-1920-3940-5960+ Previous Experience & Current Activity Have you attended a yoga class before? YesNo Health & Safety Are you /could you be, pregnant, or given birth in the last six weeks? YesNo Have you had any recent operations (in the last two years)? YesNo Further Information Declaration By sending this form I confirm the above information is correct. I understand that it is my responsibility to: yes Check with my GP if I have any difficulties or concerns about my ability to participate yes Advise YogIsie of any change in my medical information yes Ensure that I am fit and well enough to participate yes Ensure that I have read and understood the Yogisie COVID-19 Policy [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]