Namaste beautiful souls.
I am writing to let you all know what is going on in the world of YogIsie this January. I'm sure we have all found ourselves in another challenging situation, as I am sure many of us are. I am reminded of many Satsangas (spiritual discussions) I had during my training with the amazing Yogachariya Jnandev and Yogacharini Deepika who reminded us all that the Universe sends us challenges to make us stronger, better and more resilient. This very evening I was listening to Yogachariya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani discussing the yogic concept of veerya, and this resonated with me as the courage a warrior has to keep going, no matter what. To keep going and battling through these challenges with sincerity, commitment, mindfulness and consistency.
Consistency is one thing that I have found extremely useful during this lockdown. I have pushed myself to get up early, practice my Asana and/or Pranayama and take some time to concentrate on me, my body, my breath and my soul. And, in all honesty, I'm finding it is giving me the strength to carry on, the strength to get through this, the strength to see a light on the horizon. And, to know, deep within that together we can make it through. As Ammaji of Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry, India reminds us, Yoga (union of the energies of the body, mind and soul) is supported through maintaining the 3 Rs; Rhythm, Regularity and Repetition.
To keep up with the 3 Rs, I am continuing to offer the our weekly practices together, Wednesday lunchtime we practice Pranayama, Wednesday evening and Thursday evening we practice Hatha Asana. We can also practice one to one (please get in touch). I'm offering your first session free, please check out this page for more information