This is a recording of a live Pranayama online class where we explore all variations of the Sukha Purvaka Pranayama. This technique is excellent for enhancing vital life energy, maintaining low stress and anxiety levels as well as strengthening the muscles of the upper body. For more information please visit my website or get in touch
Live Recording of a Sanatan Hatha Yoga Class
Vedic Suriya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Variation
The Vedic Suriya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is one of the most beautiful ways to build energy in the body, mind and soul. As well as exercising the body and developing flexibility and strength. Here, I explore a variation that is accessible to many different levels of Yoga. If you would like to experience this live then please Join here. You can view more videos on my YouTube channel here
Pranayama Example – Anuloma Viloma
This pranayama is great for helping to restore the body, mind and soul’s natural balance by realigning the body’s polarity. The mind is quietened through deep rhythmic breathing and you feel naturally grounded soothing the soul.
Relaxation experience at the end of a full class
Possibly the most important part of any Sanatan Hatha Yoga class – the relaxation. An example of what you would experience coupled with Savitri Rhythm Pranayama to help ease you into deep relaxation with a Jnana Yoga Kriya
YouTube video – Aruna Suriya Namaskar with Variations
A short video exploring some variations of Aruna Suriya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) with some added postures (Vakra (twisting) kriya (moving from posture to posture using the breath) in hasta padasana (forward fold) and rajkapotasana (king pigeon pose) from meruasana (mountian pose). Exploring postures like this is a lovely way to be creative with our practice as well as helping to relieve stresses of the body and mind
Jattis during a Sanatan Hatha Yoga Class Example
Jattis during a Sanatan Hatha Yoga class
These are great for preparing the body for heavier and more intense posture work as well as removing any pent up toxins and stresses held in the joints.